Do you know TasteAtlas? Collaborative website is creating a tasty world map of local dishes

Do you know TasteAtlas? Collaborative website is creating a tasty world map of local dishes

No grimacing: Ana Luiza Trajano teaches recipes with gherkin, okra and scarlett eggplant

No grimacing: Ana Luiza Trajano teaches recipes with gherkin, okra and scarlett eggplant

How to Make Biscuits and Pave with the Kids

How to Make Biscuits and Pave with the Kids

pao-de-queijoBrumadinho: Instituto Brasil a Gosto takes action to help victims of the disaster

Brumadinho: Instituto Brasil a Gosto takes action to help victims of the disaster

Chef Luiz Filipe Souza, from Evvai (SP), reaches the final of Bocuse d’Or, in France

Chef Luiz Filipe Souza, from Evvai (SP), reaches the final of Bocuse d’Or, in France seminar discusses the relationship between man and food seminar discusses the relationship between man and food

Chef from Instituto Brasil a Gosto is going to be mentor in a project of the School of Social Gastronomy, in Fortaleza

Chef from Instituto Brasil a Gosto is going to be mentor in a project of the School of Social Gastronomy, in Fortaleza

Oka, in Paris, is the first Brazilian restaurant outside the country to earn a Michelin star

Oka, in Paris, is the first Brazilian restaurant outside the country to earn a Michelin star

Flocão de milhoUarini Manioc Flour

Uarini Manioc Flour

Know Pirarucu: The Brazilian Cod Fish

Know Pirarucu: The Brazilian Cod Fish

Bean Mush With Manioc Flour

Bean Mush With Manioc Flour

Thiago palestra EmprabaInstituto Brasil a Gosto participates in an event at Embrapa – Clima Temperado

Instituto Brasil a Gosto participates in an event at Embrapa – Clima Temperado