On July 6 (2020), The Instituto Brasil a Gosto ended the Emergency Action Vale do Ribeira. The final results of the fundraising were higher than the initial goal and, thanks to the generosity of 173 donors and numerous partners, we reached the total of R$ 155.220.


This amount is enough to buy and distribute more than 20 tons of food cultivated in quilombola and caiçara communities at Vale do Ribeira that feed families in São Paulo who are in a situation of social vulnerability.


The campaign already made a first food distribution at the end of June, giving away 15 tons of food to people of Eldorado and Iporanga (cities in the São Paulo region) and of Vila Brasilândia, a district of São Paulo capital. This neighbourhood is one of the most affected by coronavirus pandemics and they received 10 tons of products from25 varieties, between avocado, banana, manioc, yam, hearts of palm, orange, chayote, papaya, dried fish, rapadura and taiada (products from sugarcane). All of this was shared with 925 families and one nursery that has been serving soup for 150 children (read here what our chef and researcher Max Jaques has to say about this event). A second distribution will happen until the end of July.


This campaign was made possible only thanks to the participation of Cooperativa dos Agricultores Quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira, Instituto Socioambiental,  Comunidade Caiçara da Enseada da Baleia and Instituto Linha D’água. It received a contribution of R$ 100 k from Magazine Luiza exchange for a content assignment made by Instituto Brasil a Gosto to the social networks Magalu.


We thank everyone who helped and participated during the 40 days of this campaign, either contributing with money, starting from R$ 10, or sharing the link. You made a huge difference during the pandemics! 


“Your donation was essential to the success of this campaign. Thank you very much”, says Ana Luiza Trajano, president of Instituto Brasil a Gosto. We will keep working and defending the Brazilian cuisine. #pelacozinhabrasileira


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