Ana Luiza Trajano stars one of the episodes among chefs, researchers and common people


Ana Luiza Trajano, president of the Instituto Brasil a Gosto, is one of the main personalities in the series “História da Alimentação no Brasil”, available via streaming at Amazon Prime. The episodes are inspired in Câmara Cascudo’s book, written in 1967 and one of the most famous pieces of work written about our cuisine. In the series, created by Heco Procuções and directed by the film-maker Eugenio Puppo, the chapters of the book are told by chefs, researchers, artists and less known people from the gastronomy realm. The 13 episodes focus on one theme at a time in less than 30 minutes each, following the book’s chronology. Ana appears in the 4th episode, named “Temperos da Panela Indígena”, and dives into the roots of the Yawanawá people, cooking a dish of paca (a native rodent) with cuscuz made out of uarini flour and toasted ananas.

It is worth mentioning the first episode, “a Rainha do Brasil”, about manioc, and the fifth one ”Bebidas Inebriantes e Alimentos Líquidos”, a trip through Maranhão, where they found ingredients like jussara hearts of palm and tiquira, a distillate drink made out of manioc. The episode “A Comida Real” brings back the eating habits of Portuguesese royalty and sheds light on the origins of some Brazilian habits. The series also talks about bananas, corn, coconut milk, cocoa and palm oil, ingredients that picture the influences of indigenous, African and Portuguese people in our cuisine. The complete series is available at Amazon Prime Video. See the teaser here.

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