Makes: 6 servings

Preparation Time: 30 min

Level: Easy
½ onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tablespoons corn oil
2 cups long grain white rice
Salt to taste
Sauté the onion and garlic in oil, until soft. Add rice and fry, coating the grains with oil. Pour in 4 cups of hot water, season with salt and cook over medium-high heat, covered. When water reduces by half, lower the heat and wait it to drain. Turn off the heat and let stand for 5 minutes, still covered, before serving.
It’s known that Brazil had a wide variety of native rice, even before the Portuguese arrived. However, it was not appreciated. Cultivation and consumption only began in the 18th century, after it got popular in Portugal and among other European countries, thanks to the Arabs. In Tupian language, there is no specific name for rice, known as auati-i, or “water corn”, reports Câmara Cascudo. Most common varieties I’ve noticed at Brazilian tables, during my expeditions throughout the country, were long-grain, short-grain and red rice.