In Brazil, there are two cuts of beef ribs: costela do dianteiro, or ripa, with larger bones and more fibrous meat (similar to back ribs / short chuck ribs), and costela minga, also known as ponta de agulha (similar to beef short /plate ribs), juicier and tenderer. To be cooked “no bafo” (slowly roasted in the barbecue pit), ribs are first wrapped in cellophane paper. Another traditional cooking method in Brazil is called fogo de chão (literally “ground fire”) − the meat is roasted in one large piece, stuck in large metal skewers which are dug into the ground around live coals. Some cities in the South region – such as União da Vitória, in Paraná – have annual festivals dedicated to beef ribs prepared this way. Once cooked, the meat is shredded and used in pizza toppings, fillings and even to prepare a local version of hot dog. Ribs can also be stewed with vegetables, added to soups and used to prepare the traditional Barreado, a slow cooked beef stew from Paraná cuisine.